Pilates is a method of physical exercise and movement designed to stretch, strengthen and rebalance the body. It is a series of movements controlled by body and mind, in which we work the deep muscles to correct our posture, relieve back and neck pains, improve our mobility, achieve an elongated musculature and a flat belly.
There are different Pilates schools worldwide, The Loft Ibiza uses the Stott Pilates® technique. The main difference between this and others lies in the adaptation of modern biomechanical principles to exercise, with special emphasis on the rehabilitation of the spine. The Pilates sessions will be held in our Reformer V2max of the brand Stott Pilates®, in “swings” specially designed for that purpose and on the Mat.
The Loft Ibiza offers different modalities for practicing Pilates. Which one suits you the most?
Therapeutic Pilates or Rehabilitation
This type of training and treatment is aimed at those people who suffer or have recently suffered some type of injury and who coexist with pain. The main objective of this type of training is to eliminate or, at least, reduce that pain.
It is also aimed at people over 50-55 years old with limited physical abilities due to sedentary lifestyle or illness. We differentiate the following groups:
- Pilates Rehabilitation: exercises based on the principles of the Pilates method, used as a direct treatment on a specific injury. Aimed at people who currently suffer an injury and want to treat it with movement. Within this group, as the most common injury, we find back pain (cervical, dorsal or lumbar). According to the WHO (World Health Organization), 80% of the population will suffer back pain at some point throughout their lives. 8 out of 10 people. We are doing something wrong…
- Pilates Re-adaptation: exercises based on the principles of the Pilates method, used to reinforce the treatment previously performed by a health professional such as physiotherapists, osteopaths, podiatrists, etc. That is, the Pilates method is used as a point of union between the “treatment on a stretcher” and the return of the person to daily life (both sporting and professional) prior to the injury.
- Therapeutic Pilates: exercises based on the principles of the Pilates method, used to improve the basic physical qualities of those over 50-55 years old who have limited physical conditions due to sedentary lifestyle or illness.
Pilates Cardio-fit
This type of training is aimed at those who start in Pilates practice or for those who want to go one step further in practice. In these sessions we use the repertoire of Stott Pilates® exercises carried out in the Reformer, adding the cardiovascular component, which makes the sessions more complete and is done with music and small choreographies of exercises.